The Snapper Handheld Applicator is a manual application for the c-clip paperboard Fishbone carriers.

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The Complete Fishbone Program

Equipment | Application | Training | Service | Materials | Printing | Inventory

Fishbone from Atlantic Packaging is a Complete Managed System. 

The Can Carrier

Fishbone is a plastic-free alternative to 6-pack and 4-pack rings carriers.

The Equipment

Applicators range from manual and semi-automatic, to high-speed

Our Service

Technical service to train, maintain, and optimize your Fishbone program.

Stop Plastic Pollution

Plastic pollution is the biggest and most pervasive problem harming our ocean environment. Brands are working hard to make a difference by taking action to use less plastic.

If you’ve made a commitment to be measurably more sustainable over the next several years, we can help.

The Fishbone Beverage Carrier completely eliminates plastic from your 6-pack and 4-pack carriers.

One of the most common goals to improve sustainability is to reduce the amount of plastic used in products and packaging. (See how Single Use Plastics harm the environment.)

The Fishbone Beverage Carrier is plastic-free and curbside-recyclable. It’s simple and uses minimal resources while also giving you billboard space for your brand and marketing.

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Latest Blog posts

Talking Eco Friendly Brewery Packaging with Fishbone on the Capital Craft Podcast

We were so thrilled to be featured on the Capital Craft Podcast with host Erik Fowler from the San Diego Brewer's Gui...

Snapper Handheld Tool for C-Clips

When you're ready to get rid of plastic from your 4-pack and 6-pack packaging, Fishbone is here for you! But when you...

Atlantic Packaging's Fishbone Featured in Packaging World

Packaging World, a monthly packaging innovation publication, featured Fishbone in its article highlighting B Water & Beverages’ work with Brita to produce a recyclable, plastic-free bottled water product that uses Fishbone as its can carrier.

How Fishbone and Brita Water Fight Single-Use Plastic | Forbes Feature

Brita Water aluminum bottles wrapped in Fishbone carriers work to displace single-use plastic and bring environmentally-friendly packaging to scale.
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